Sponsoring in the community

How I Got Involved in Coaching Freddy’s Football Team

So if managing life in a family of 5 and a busy list of patients wasn’t quite enough to send me over the edge, 4 years ago I somehow allowed myself to get sucked into coaching Freddy’s football team. You know those times you put your hand up and somehow you get more than you were expecting.

From Sideline Supporter to Coach: A Steeper Learning Curve Than Expected

For all who know me, you’re fully aware I’m pretty damn passionate about football, which has recently been tested by the very average display put on by Manchester United of late. This passion got the best of me when one of Freddy’s coaches asked for help for the following season. I figured, “I come to watch all of his sessions anyway, I might as well help out whilst I’m here.”

The realisation that I wouldn’t be just shouting at kids to pass the ball and doing up shoelaces a thousand times soon hit me. Although the former is still true, preparing sessions, managing dynamics and handling dramas also became part of the job. This was far from sitting on my fold-out chair on the sideline, under cover with a cup of camomile (I live in Marlow….) complaining about referees’ decisions in U7 football that I had imagined. Despite that, I flipping love it.

The Kit

Why I Love Coaching Despite the Challenges

I love seeing Freddy and his teammates develop. I love being there through the ups and downs. Most of all, I love that these kids are out in the fresh (often saturated) air, running about, socialising, and having fun—not playing FIFA (correction, FC24 now, so I’ve been told) for 7 hours in a darkened room. This is what we need to influence: kids moving, socialising, and having fun. These are the simple principles we need to focus on, I believe.

The Importance of Kids Moving, Socialising, and Having Fun

As football parents, we often forget the simplicity of these principles. We have this desire to get the best out of our kids, to push them and their ability, selling the dream of professional football or somewhere close. We’ve seen kids fall out of love with football and even develop physical issues from playing too much. I get it—if your kid has bags of ability, you want to see where it can go. But you also want to make sure they can take it physically and mentally, and be prepared to take time off when needed.

Balancing Ambition with Health in Youth Football

This could lead me down a rabbit hole you won’t get me out of, so I’ll stop there. If you want to hear more about my views on kids’ football, grassroots, inclusiveness, and supporting the footballing child, take me for a camomile down Saints Cafe and I’ll chew your ear off for a lot longer than it takes for that tea to go cold.

FA Training

Four Years Later: Coaching at U11 Level

So, 4 years on, with an FA Level 1 qualification under my belt (I’m currently in the middle of my UEFA C coaching training because I love having absolutely no free time….) and coaching the U11s, it’s a different ball game. It’s 9v9, bigger pitches, linesmen, offsides, and a ‘competitive’ league. Serious football requires serious sponsorship deals.

Active Health Clinics’ Role in Supporting Youth Football

Cue Active Health Clinics. We are now the proud sponsors of Marlow Youth Royals and Marlow Youth Oaks U11 teams, providing their away shirts and slapping our sweet logo on the front! I’ve been told the kits look ‘sick,’ so that’s good. We figured this ticks our ‘community’ box that we’re really proud of, while supporting these awesome kids. Let’s face it, we’re also advertising ourselves to a bunch of parents who are continually getting injured. It’s a win-win.

Why I Continue Coaching: Beyond the Football Pitch

So why do I do it? Why spend any free time outside work and family responsibilities on coaching? It’s not all about football. First and foremost, it’s about more quality time with Freddy and having a hand in his development. Then, it’s about teaching these boys values that go beyond the pitch—movement, teamwork, resilience, friendship, and health.

Promoting Health, Movement, and Resilience On and Off the Pitch

And now I’ve literally put AHC’s money where my mouth is, to have greater reach in promoting these values. At AHC, we’re proud to be supporting these teams because we believe in the same principles—move more, keep healthy, and enjoy life, ideally without pain and injury. Whether it’s kids running around a football field or parents running after them, we’re here to keep everyone in their game.

Getting Involved: Why You Should Consider Becoming a Coach

Here’s to all the wet training sessions, offside arguments, and unforgettable moments on the pitch. To all those sideline parents wanting to get involved—don’t hold back, put your hand up and get started. It’s an unbelievably rewarding role. If you have that passion for footy, you can inspire kids to stick to sport, move more, and have your child proud that Mum or Dad is ‘coach’. Any questions on how to become a coach, you know where to find me.
