Physiotherapy Maidenhead
Physiotherapy is a science based profession which helps restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability. It can also help to reduce your risk of injury or illness in the future.
Physiotherapists consider the body as a whole, rather than just focusing on the individual aspects of an injury or illness.
Some of the main approaches used by physiotherapists include:

Education & advice
Physiotherapists can give general advice about things that can affect your daily life, such as posture, correct lifting and carrying techniques to help prevent injuries
Movement, tailored exercises & physical activity advice
Exercises may be recommended to improve your general health and mobility, and to strengthen specific parts of your body
Manual therapy
Where the physiotherapist uses their hands to help relieve pain and stiffness, and to encourage better movement of the body
Unsure if physiotherapy is right for you? That’s okay, we’re here to help
Call us today on 01628 626 565 for free & friendly advice

What can Physiotherapy treat?
- Achilles tendonitis
- Aching knees
- Arch collapse
- Bunion pain
- Calf tears
- Carpal tunnel pain
- ‘Catching’ pain
- Chest pain
- Disc problems
- Locking knee
- Sports injuries
- Postural dysfunctions
- Fractures and post-operative conditions
- Frozen shoulder
- Golfers elbow
- Headaches
- Groin strain
- Hamstring tears
- Headache
- Heel pain
- Post-op rehabilitation
- Lumbago
- Ligament pain
- Wear and tear
- Whiplash
- Ligament pain
- Neck & shoulder pain / stiff neck
- Orthotics / bio mechanical assessments
- Osteoarthritis
- Pregnancy related back pain
- RSI – repetitive strain injury
- Sciatic pain
- Shin splints
- Sprained ankles
- Tennis elbow
- Thoracic pain