Weekly Community Walking Group in Maidenhead

Get out, Active, and Social with our Community Walking Group in Maidenhead

Come along for a revitalising morning stroll through the picturesque Maidenhead area! Our Community Walking Group, hosted by Active Health Clinics, invites you to embrace the benefits of an active lifestyle while enjoying the company of your fellow community members.

About the Event

Set off on a 2.5-mile round trip walk from our clinic on St Marks Road to Oaken Park and back, guided by our experienced personal trainer, Alen. Whether you’re a seasoned walker or just starting your fitness journey, this event is tailored to accommodate all fitness levels. It’s not just about the exercise – it’s about fostering connections within our community and promoting overall well-being.
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AHC Community header image

Who’s This Walk For

This event is open to all members of the Maidenhead community, including current patients of Active Health Clinics. Whether you’re seeking a leisurely stroll or a chance to socialise with like-minded individuals, you’re welcome to join us!

Walk Highlights

Frequently Asked Questions

Your questions about our walking group answered
You can register your space using the online booking system at the bottom of this page. Alternatively, you can contact our reception team directly to get booked in.
We’re running our walking groups every Thursday morning starting at 9am and will end at around 10am.

The walking route starts from our clinic in Maidenhead:

72 St Mark’s Rd, Maidenhead, SL6 6DW.

Wear comfortable attire suitable for walking and stretching, and don’t forget to bring a bottle of water to stay hydrated.
We’ve chosen a low impact round route which is approximately 2.5m (4km)
We won’t be going off track or adventuring into the wilds of Maidenhead, however, please be sure to wear something comfortable that you’re able to doing some light stretches in. Active wear would be a good option. Some comfortable supportive shoes too!
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