Sports & Remedial Massage in Maidenhead
Sports & Remedial Massage
Massage therapy benefits people of all ages
Sports Massage is great on its own as regular treatment and also compliments many other therapies including, chiropractic and acupuncture also available in our clinics.
There are tremendous benefits to be achieved through regular massage therapy treatments. Whether your need is to have a moment of relaxation, reduce muscle tension or attain relief from chronic pain, a therapeutic massage can enhance your overall sense of emotional and physical well-being as well as your quality of life.

Reduce and even eliminate your pain
Improve circulation throughout your body
Increase sports performance
Greater mobility throughout your body
Improve recovery time after injury
Unsure if massage is right for you? That’s okay, we’re here to help
Call us today on 01628 626 565 for free & friendly advice

What can Massage help with?
Massage is highly effective at providing relief and aiding recovery for a wide range of conditions and ailments
- Muscle aches and pains
- Injured muscles from sport or activity
- Headaches
- Lower back pain
- Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
- Sciatica
- Sports performance
- Injury prevention and event recovery
- Myofascial syndromes
- Everyday stress
See why people love Active Health Clinics
"Excellent chiropractic care – Steve Mullan really knows his stuff, personally tailored care and doesn’t run any of those expensive, depersonalised, conveyor-belt treatment plans!"
"You’ve done such a good job sorting out my sciatica that I’ve almost forgotten the pain I was in earlier on in the year when I hobbled in. I started to feel huge improvements immediately and I’m so grateful to be feeling back to normal."
"A fantastic place! I can highly recommend it! When I was pregnant I was experiencing terrible pain in my lower back and hips. Thanks to Steve, the pain was minimised and I enjoyed my pregnancy almost till the very end."