Back Pain
Back Pain
Most of us have suffered with back pain at some point in our lives
This common problem may be due to several triggers including poor posture whilst sitting or standing, lifting badly, a sedentary lifestyle or moving incorrectly. It is generally not caused by anything serious but can often be quite debilitating. The sooner the condition is treated the better, as this reduces the chances of the body compensating for the symptoms elsewhere and aides the reduction in inflammation, which if left for too long can damage surrounding structures. Prevent back pain by keeping mobile, sitting/standing/lifting correctly, exercising regularly and maintaining a good healthy diet/lifestyle. Treatments that can help with back pain include Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage and Personal Training.

See why people love Active Health Clinics
"Excellent chiropractic care – Steve Mullan really knows his stuff, personally tailored care and doesn’t run any of those expensive, depersonalised, conveyor-belt treatment plans!"
"You’ve done such a good job sorting out my sciatica that I’ve almost forgotten the pain I was in earlier on in the year when I hobbled in. I started to feel huge improvements immediately and I’m so grateful to be feeling back to normal."
"A fantastic place! I can highly recommend it! When I was pregnant I was experiencing terrible pain in my lower back and hips. Thanks to Steve, the pain was minimised and I enjoyed my pregnancy almost till the very end."