Our Company Culture

The Active Health Culture

It’s our promise to you and your promise to us
We credit the results we’re achieving everyday for our patients down to the culture we have cultivated within our clinic. By truly living and breathing these values allows us to elevate the wellbeing of you and your family.
Patient Consultation with Jay

Own Your Health

Your health is yours to own, no one else’s. Be responsible for your health. Own it. Take charge.

True Wellness Requires Work

When you’re not well, your body is telling you something’s wrong. Take action. Don’t ignore it.

An Active Body Means A Happy Body

You weren’t built to sit down all day. You’re built to move. Be aware and move MORE.

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Caring Is Not A Solo Act

I can’t, we can. Our team of experts work together to give you the best solution possible. You’ll have access to the right care when you need it most.

Your Health Has A Threshold

Everyone has different stresses that act on the body – lifting, sitting, sleeping, moving. Your body adapts and compensates. But stresses build until they go past your threshold, that’s when you feel pain and discomfort.

Wholesome Holism

Your body is beautifully complex. We treat your body as a whole, not in parts.

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Don’t Blame The Pencil

Have you ever picked up a pencil and got back pain? It’s more likely that sitting at your desk, driving to and from work to then sit and watch TV is the cause. The pencil was just the thing that tipped you over your threshold.

Knowledge Should Be Shared Not Stored

We want you to be empowered with knowledge to achieve optimum health. Wisdom is activated by sharing it.

It’s About Making A Difference

Our passion is health. Your health. We get a kick from getting you better. It’s our #1 aim (we’re just lucky to earn a living from it).

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Our Mission Is To Get You Better, For Good

We’ll do all we can for you. We’ll establish what caused your pain. Working together we’ll alleviate what got you here. We’ll strengthen you up to live the life you want again and help you maintain it. Simple.

Your Needs Always Come First

You and your needs, nothing else defines what treatment plan is best for you.

It Takes Time To Care

We take the time to truly understand your life. This allows us to give the highest quality treatment and relationship you need with us. This is what our excellent results rely on. Get the time you deserve.

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Health Is True Wealth

Life’s full of distractions and stresses. Remember, without your health you wouldn’t manage what’s thrown your way. Health first, the rest will follow.

PAIN Sucks! (But It’s Not All Bad)

It hurts. It stops you doing what you want to do. But, you need pain. It’s your bodies way of telling you something is not right. Without pain, you’d be a mess. Don’t hate pain, own it and do something about it.

Live Life To The Full

Live, Laugh & Love Life. You only get one chance.

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