Free Weight Management Workshop

Event Details

Nutrition Workshop: Weight Management

Active Health Clinics Maidenhead
18th August @ 7:30pm – 8:30pm
16 FREE Spaces Available

Does Managing Your Weight Feel Like A Losing Battle?

Calorie counting, carb cutting, weight watching – Weight management is not always as simple as calories in vs calories out.

If you’ve found yourself clicking on this event, chances are you’ve been there, done that, and are STILL looking for a way of managing your weight that works.

There’s No One Size Fits All When It Comes To Weight Management.

What you’ve tried in the past might work for your friends – but it might not be working for you.

You’re not doing anything wrong, but you might not be doing what’s right for your body.

We Need To Find What Works For You.

Laura’s approach to weight management with her patients is tailored to their individual needs and lifestyles.

This FREE workshop is designed to help you discover exactly that: A weight management plan unique to your individual needs.

Receive Expert Nutritional Advice To Make More Educated Weight Management Choices That Work For You.

There’s an ocean of information and misinformation available online about weight management. With so much information readily available, it’s more challenging than ever to know if you’re doing what’s best for your body.

To help make things simpler, during the workshop Laura will explore hot topics such as: Keto, intermittent fasting, low fat vs low carb diets, meal replacements, body composition, and what you should be measuring.

What You’ll Learn During The Workshop

  • The Leading Causes Of Weight Gain
  • The Key Causes Of Weight Loss
  • Evidence Based Strategies To Improve Body Composition
  • Optimal Foods For Body Composition
  • Easy To Make Menu Ideas & Recipes
  • Readily Available Programme Solutions
  • Beware! The Misconceptions And Diet Foods You Should Avoid
  • Expert Overall Health Tips You Can Start Using Today

How The Workshop Will Run

To help you get the most out of this workshop, Laura will deliver a 45 minute seminar on weight management. You’ll then have the opportunity to be involved in a 15 minute Q&A session at the end. Giving you the chance to clear up any concerns and questions you might have.

Book Your FREE Ticket Today – Just 16 Spaces Available!

Get ready for September when the holidays are over and the kids are back to school. It’s time to focus on you!
Start learning how to make managing your weight simpler and more effective with Laura’s FREE weight management workshop on the 18th August at Active Health Clinics Maidenhead.

Tickets for these workshops go fast, click ‘register’ now and secure your free spot today!

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